Come sit in our virtual circle in the light of Mother Moon.

Give yourself 20 minutes away from the world and just tune in to your womb energy as we share a gentle meditation


Problematic periods, peri-menopause and menopause – Womb Trauma.

Womb trauma can be a factor in many menstrual issues; trauma from birthing our children, abuse, poor sexual experiences, family beliefs or our own birth. 

Our wombs hold the trauma that our minds have not yet been able to process and each month can be a painful reminder that the issue still exists. 

Each month, each menstrul cycle presents us with an opportunity for healing.  Homeopathy can help.


You deserve better than what you are accepting as normal

I am a licensed Homeopathic Practitioner and homeopathy is my passion.  I believe this natural medicine will get you back into best possible physical, mental and emotional state.

Homeopathy is not magic (although sometimes it’s pretty close) and it has nothing to do with faith.

It is an actual medicine that has been around for over 200 years and is the second most common form of medicine in the world (Traditional Chinese Medicine is first).


but the moon knows all my secrets

JM Wonderland


Know your IUDs – hormonal coil

Know your IUDs – hormonal coil

MIRENA COIL is just one of the hormonal coils or IUDs available but it’s the most common one in Ireland anyway. It’s prescribed as contraceptive or for painful periods or heavy bleeding. It’s a t shaped object that’s inserted into the uterus that continuously releases...

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Know your IUD choices – Copper Coil

Know your IUD choices – Copper Coil

COPPER COIL I am asked weekly to recommend the best type of contraception. Honestly I can't recommend these but I can help you look beyond the sales speak and then you can make up your own mind with the full information. A quick look at the HSE web page says that a...

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Full moon womb whisperings

Full moon womb whisperings

Beautiful one, I'd love you to join us for a monthly, online celebration of the wisdom of our wombs. We'll gather in the full moon energy, which is traditionally a time for reaping the rewards of what we've planted in the previous cycle, it's a time to reacces and see...

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I’d love to talk to you
TEL: (+ 353) 86 8463642

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